Do you need expert care on a cyst removal? Medical Dermatology Specialists is a thriving research and medical dermatology practice in Atlanta that can help you with all types of cyst removal. We treat patients of all ages with our expertise in skin conditions, whether it is an autoimmune skin disorder, childhood eczema, skin cancer or cyst removal. Nationally recognized dermatologist Dr. Jamie Weisman leads our practice as a distinguished clinical researcher with years of experiencing in helping patients keep their skin healthy with advanced treatment options. Whether it is draining your persistent cyst or providing cyst removal surgery, you can be confident that you are in the hands of dedicated skin care professionals at our Atlanta practice.
Cyst Removal Surgery
If you have a cyst that is recurring or not responding to other treatments, we can offer specialized cyst removal surgery. Cysts are usually painless, smooth to touch and slow to grow. Let us help you determine your specific type of cyst along with the most effective way to treat it. We handle all types of cyst removal, from a pilar cyst on your scalp to an epidermoid cyst on your back. You can expect Dr. Weisman and our team of cyst removal experts to give you the highest standard of care when it comes to surgically removing your cyst.
What Causes Cysts?
A cyst is a benign growth that forms as a result of an infection, clogging of sebaceous glands (oil glands), or around foreign bodies, such as earrings. They often feel like small peas beneath your skin’s surface. Your cyst may be hereditary or the cause of a previous injury or surgery. It is important that you let our advanced dermatologist properly diagnose your cyst and give you accurate answers to its cause. At Medical Dermatology Specialists, we believe that skin problems are more than skin deep. We have a unique dedication to helping patients with long term solutions because we value treating the true cause of your skin concerns.
If you have a cyst you are concerned about, let us give you the answers you need at Medical Dermatology Specialists today.