Alopecia Areata is a condition related to hair loss. It is an autoimmune condition and about 2 percent of all Americans have some form of this disease. While most people think of this condition they think of balding of their hair on their head, any part of your body can be affected as well. A typical progression of hair loss includes, the scalp first and then other parts of your body are affected, including your eyelashes, which may become affected as well.
In rare and severe cases, your eyelashes and eyebrows can fall out. According to Dermatology Online Journal, “cases of alopecia involving only eyelashes are extremely rare.” While there is no cure for alopecia areata, there are effective treatments that can be employed to encourage regrowth.
If your eyelashes fall out, it can lead to other secondary issues as well. Your eyelashes not only serve as a beautiful feature of your face, but practically they serve many purposes as well. Their primary job is to protect your eyes from small particles such as dust, allergens, sand or debris into your eye. They also serve as a warning signal to you that an object may be too close to entering your eye.
If you are losing your hair on any part of your body, contact Dr. Weisman at Medical Dermatology Specialists for your comprehensive alopecia consultation and treatment plan. We can help diagnose and provide you with a personalized treatment plan.
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