While many conditions that affect the skin are caused by autoimmune diseases and are difficult to control, there are others that have direct links to lifestyle habits. Your skin is the largest organ of your entire body, therefore it is essential that you not only protect it on the outside (i.e. sunscreen) but that you also care for it from the inside.
There are certain habits that affect your skin, whether it be acne or flare ups, and knowing how your skin reacts to certain habits is essential. Your skin is specific to your body, meaning that what does or does not affect someone else has no determination of what will affect you. Dr. Jamie Weisman of Medical Dermatology Specialists in Atlanta has the specific qualifications to evaluate skin conditions from a medical point of view. Our practice centers on the fact that skin diseases and conditions are not just skin deep – they are much more complex, and require a level of care that also reaches farther than the skin.
Your diet has a direct link to the health of your skin. Greasy, high-fat foods will leave their mark on your skin through acne and dullness. Also, an unknown food allergy will also leave its mark on your skin. Those who suffer from eczema or psoriasis are often extremely sensitive to their dietary choices, and flare ups will reveal that certain food choices are impacting their skin. Dietary changes are often necessary to control certain skin conditions, and at Medical Dermatology Specialists we will help you determine if a specific nutritional plan is necessary, and we will work with your nutritionist to find a successful treatment plan. People who are deficient in certain nutrients, such as vitamin D or vitamin B, often have specific characteristics that are revealed through their skin. Dietary supplements can go a long way to combat deficiencies, but they need to be first evaluated by a medical professional.
Stress and lack of sleep also have a direct impact on your skin. Remember, your skin is the largest organ in your body, so it makes sense that it will show signs of stress. Acne, dullness, dryness, excessive oil, even bruising are signs of stress on the body. Your stress level affects your sleep cycle, and your sleep cycle affects your entire body. Lifestyle changes – including regular exercise, a regular sleep schedule, and shutting down all electronics at least an hour before bed – can have a huge impact on your skin. By limiting the stress that you put on your body, whether physical or emotional, you can go a long way in promoting the health of your skin.
If you skin reflects unhealthy lifestyle habits, please contact our unique medical dermatology practice today to schedule an appointment. Dr. Weisman is truly an advocate for your health. At Medical Dermatology Specialists, we offer personalized skin care.
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