Vitiligo is a condition that cosmetically affects a person’s skin, causing it to lose pigment. Pigment is what gives skin its color, and it is produced by cells called melanocytes (thus, another word for pigment is “melanin.”) Vitiligo can equally affect both men and women, and while it affects all races equally, it is more noticeable in people with dark skin. There is no cure for Vitiligo, but it can be treated and managed throughout a person’s entire life. Dr. Jamie Weisman founded Medical Dermatology Specialists to provide patients with a new level of skin care.
Vitiligo is a skin condition that is very different from other skin conditions. Because there is no known cure for this condition, many doctors have found little success in helping patients. However, Dr. Weisman and her entire team are dedicated to helping patients who have any type of skin condition that negatively affects their quality of life. Patients find that their confidence sores at Medical Dermatology Specialists because of the dedication that Dr. Weisman applies to all patients. Dr. Weisman has earned national recognition as a dermatologist who specializes in the role that autoimmune disease has on skin disorders.
Something that sets our dermatology practice far apart from all of the rest is that we believe that skin diseases and conditions are more than skin deep. At Medical Dermatology Specialists, we are committed to offering a comprehensive approach to treating patients who suffer from Vitiligo, and will work with patients’ primary care physicians or other specialists in order to ensure that the most effective treatment is applied.
If you suffer from Vitiligo, or any type of skin condition or disease, please contact our dermatology practice today. We value our patients and will not rest until we find a treatment plan that is personalized to your individual case and needs. Medical Dermatology Specialists is the practice that you can trust for expert skin care.
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Atlanta, GA 30328
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Email: jstalls@atlmedderm.com