Roseola infantum (sixth disease) is a common rash in children that is caused by the human herpes viruses 6 and 7. This virus typically causes a rash of rose-colored spots after a fever. In fact, the first symptom of Roseola is a high fever that usually lasts for 3-4 days. The virus appears like many other viruses, with fatigue, diarrhea and vomiting, and swollen lymph nodes. However, many parents who are waiting for the fever to break are often shocked and fearful when they see a rash break out once their child seems to feel better. At Medical Dermatology Specialists, Dr. Jamie Weisman understands parents’ concerns when a skin rash appears on their children. As a nationally recognized and board certified dermatologist, Dr. Weisman has the knowledge and expertise along with the bedside manner that all parents wish for when their children are ill.
The Roseola rash is a very distinguishable rash. It consists of many small pink spots or patches. Most of the spots are flat, but some may be raised. There is often a white ring around some of the spots that make it very recognizable to the trained eye of a dermatologist. The Roseola rash typically starts on the torso (chest, back, and abdomen) and then spreads to the neck and arms. While the rash is not itchy or uncomfortable, it can last up to several days before fading.
Like all viruses, Roseola is very contagious and can easily spread through contact. The vast majority of people with Roseola recover quickly and completely, with no evidence of the rash occurring. However, any time a child breaks out with a concerning rash it is always important to have it evaluated by a trusted specialist. At Medical Dermatology Specialists, the skin is our area of expertise. Contact us for an appointment if your child has a rash so that we can evaluate it thoroughly.
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